Saturday, February 18, 2012

Increase Word Count- Update

How can I know if I have increased my word count if I never took note of how much work I've done in any given time?

Well, this week I began to take notes on how many hours and how well focused I was during those hours. I am not always working on a rough draft, so keeping track of word count isn't that accurate. (IMO). So I have started a 1-10 scale. 1 being I should give up and do something else, to 10 being the most focused and best quality writing possible. Since I believe there is always room for improvement, I will probably never rate myself at a 10.

I have noticed the number of hours I sit down at the computer is less than normal. Several times I've had that nagging feeling "I gotta write", but I knew my mind was elsewhere and if I sat down, I would be checking facebook, reading blogs and visiting numerous other sites instead of actually writing. So, I have made myself stay away from the computer during these times. But I do find, the hours I set aside for writing, I am better focused. Yay.

I also read where some writers go other places to write. Yesterday I went to Starbucks to check it out and see if I would like to go and write. It cost me $8 for a blueberry scone and a venti caramel frapuccino, with an extra shot of espresso. ouch! There were several people there with laptops. Some college students and some businessmen. I could do that, but I think I could only write if I found a table with my back to the wall. The idea of someone reading over my shoulder just creeps me out. One day I'll try it. I'm not sure it will work, I'm to much of a people watcher and may have to many distractions. But, I do have to try new things to see if it helps.

I'll keep you informed.

Keep the Faith.

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