Thursday, November 8, 2012

Creative Inspiration

Earlier this week I sat down to write a scene. One of my characters needed information from another character. Before I sat down to write, I wondered if I were even able to write this scene. Can I make a character be mean to someone else? Do I even know how to manipulate someone? If I don't know how to get what I want, how can I properly write a character that needs to do these things.

In my scene, I had the character call her a liar. She physically reacted but still she refused to give him the information he needed. My bad guy eventually pulled out a gun and held it to her Mother's head. Yes, he got the information he wanted. But what else could I have done? I considered torture. Have him hit her, beat her. But writing that was uncomfortable. I have a feeling I will go back to this scene many times to learn how characters can be mean and to try different things.

Life is interesting.

Whatever I want to learn, I notice the Universe will work with me to bring that information to me.

Today I encountered a customer that I will use as inspiration for many bad characters in the future. He started out a great customer. Nice, talkative, pleasant, complimentary. Then he snapped. Suddenly, the work he previously complimented, was poor work. We worked too slow, even though he had been told how long it would take, and it was done when promised. He insisted we should be responsible for work that wasn't agreed upon, and it was work we aren't qualified to perform. He told me 3 bold faced lies and he looked directly in my face when he said them. I was seething. I have never encountered anyone like this in my life. It took every ounce of restraint not to tell the man off. I admit, I wanted to walk off the job. If we had, we would have not gotten paid for it, even though we had already worked two days there. My husband, who also works with me talked me out of it.

Thankfully, I've worked at the store for 8 years, and hubby has worked there for 25. The store knows our work ethic and it is easy to see the customer was crazy. He complained, quite loudly, and he got what he wanted. He got all the work he wanted done, including what would have cost him $100 if he paid a qualified professional to do what needed to be done because the store brought someone in to do the work he wanted done because he threatened to bad mouth the store.

The point to this blog is, that if I take the time and look around me, I can get great lessons for my writing. I've watched movies and tried to learn from them. But, when I watch a movie, when I see a really bad guy, I think 'no one is like that in real life.' But, I guess that shows me I live a sheltered life.

People are mean. They are manipulative. They will use you to get what they want and they have no consideration for your needs or feelings. I just need to notice them so I can write about them.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Writing Sprints

I have been Nanoing this passed week and I feel great about it. My word count is higher than I expected, and if I continue at the speed I've been going, I will finish a week ahead of schedule.

The problem I'm having is taking advantage of my time. I get off of work and I have at least six hours before my usual bed time. If I can harness the focus there is no telling how much writing I can get done. I know I can't sit at the computer for that length of time, but I can easily work for at least an hour and a half before needing a break. But I get easily distracted. I always have and probably always will.

There isn't any reason why I can't create a structured way for me to write. I was thinking about writing sprints today. With Nano going on, everywhere I look there are people suggesting things to help get in lots of words. Basically, it is setting a time limit and getting down as many words as possible.

It may be the perfectionist in me, but I can't write anything. I want to write my story. So when I get to a point where I have to stop and think, I get side tracked. I punch one tiny button and I'm online. Talk about the distractions. I can waste a lot of time on things I don't need and really aren't interested in.

I guess I'm just babbling and wasting time away from my story. This is my way to think of things and work them out. If it were later in the evening I would pop two sleeping pills and see how many words I can get down before my brain stops working.

maybe, another day.

Keep the Faith

Friday, November 2, 2012

Phantom Dog Bark

Before I get into my blog, I want to say that my family thinks I'm crazy. I say, I'm a writer and I may tell stories. In my mind, the stories are true. At least some of them are. To those that may question my sanity, I will use the excuse that I am practicing my stories and everything I say here is made up. Or, maybe it is the truth?

For several years now, whenever I decide there is something I want to do, for example writing, I often sit down to figure out how to make time for my new project.  Many times, the answer is for me to get up earlier than my husband. In the early morning hours, I think clearer, and I have peace and quiet. It has come to be my favorite time of the day.

Yesterday Nano started. For those of you not familiar with Nano, it is National Novel Writing Month. So, I decided to take out an old WIP and rewrite it. It was never the story I wanted it to be. It was boring and didn't have enough conflict. I've been wanting to take it out and have another go at it. So, yesterday, I started it. Again.

This morning, I lay in bed sound asleep. Sidney, my shih tzu barked to go outside at 5:30. It isn't unusual for him to bark to go out. I usually drag myself out of bed, and let him out, then go back to bed 10 minutes later. So, I got up, got dressed, (that's right, I sleep in the nude.) and headed toward the door, which is on the other side of the house.

When I got there, no dog. I walked back to the bed. He was sound asleep, on the bed, next to where I was sleeping. There was no way he barked at the door, if he was asleep beside me.

All I could do is laugh. This isn't the first time this has happened. Yes, I am admitting to hearing a phantom dog bark. This has happened at least a dozen times in the last few years.

I don't think it has ever happened at random. It is always when I plan on waking early in the morning to get something done. No, we never set an alarm clock. We wake naturally. So, if I want to wake up early I have to set it in my mind when I go to bed at night to wake early. I hadn't done it the night before like I should have.

I like to think it is God helping me with my goals.

I would love to hear if anyone ever has odd happenings that can't be explained. If there is anything odd, what do you say is the cause of the odd thing?

Keep the Faith