Monday, October 8, 2012

Rewrite update

To my horror, I saw the book I had been working on for years, wouldn't work. I refuse to throw it away, so instead, I decided to work with it and rewrite it.

When I knew I needed to tackle the story in a big way, I sat down to brainstorm ideas. I couldn't come up with any, so I grabbed a book off the bookshelf and started reading.

On a side note, this is a technique I've used for years. If I have a problem, I will ask the universe for guidance, and then listen to where I need to go to find the answer. I decided I wanted to read about writing, and I grabbed the first book I saw. 

I grabbed Karen S. Wiesner's book From First Draft to Finished Novel. I've had the book a while, and never read it all the way through.

It's actually a good book. She has examples to help you understand her technique. Funny enough she mentioned a character that was afraid of dogs. I laughed, thinking wouldn't it be funny if my heroine had a phobia of dogs. Not a shoo dog, get away from me phobia, but an all get out, terrified, gonna pee in your pants phobia. Oh, the hero is a Canine Shifter, so it would complicate things big time.

So, what was my first reaction. Nope, can't do it. That would be way to hard to write. Then I think of a picture I saw of Stephen King and a quote that says not to stop writing something because it is too emotional or too hard. (don't think I quoted exactly, but it was something like that)

So, there is my challenge. My book isn't right as it is, so why not completely change it?

I started about a week ago. I have scrapped several scenes and completely rewritten them, and changed minor details in others. I'm about one quarter of the way done.

My goal is to finish the draft by the end of the month and have it edited by before Christmas. 

I'll keep you informed of my progress.

Yay, gotta get my 2 hours done for today.

1 comment:

  1. Woo hoo! Well done, Faith. It takes a lot of courage to rewrite something that you already feel passionately about. But I do believe this new rewrite is going to be amazing and work with your story soooo much better than the first draft. Keep at it! Can't wait to read it. x
