Thursday, June 14, 2012

God is Watching

A few days ago a friend went to the Da’vinci exhibit in London. She sent me a picture of one of his drawings. It was so detailed it must have taken him hours to draw. I began to wonder about how he had the energy, brain power, and focus to accomplish everything he did in his life.

Everyone else has to sleep a third of their time, and work for a living a third of the time. That leaves a third of our time for pleasure, to do whatever we want to do. In theory that is. Most have family obligations and normal household chores. We do have to eat and prepare those meals.

So, what did Da’vinci do different than I’m doing? How did he find the energy and focus? Maybe he just decided that is what he wanted to do and didn’t let anything come before it. I don’t know about him, but I decided to ask God. Yes, I admit I talk to God. I have for years. I have also learned, if I stop and listen, he DOES talk back.

How he usually answers can be another blog post. This time when he answered my question, it was clear.

I had a dream.

I was in a crowded theatre. I can’t recall what I was there for, but I looked over and saw my family sitting all together. When I say, all my family, it was all my family. All my cousins, my aunts and uncles, and my Mom. For those that know me, Mom died years ago. I got up to go talk to Mom. My cousin stopped me and told me I can’t talk to her.

A quick side note. I dream a lot. And, my family and friends are often in my dreams. But those that are deceased, I have never been able to talk to. I can sit with them, but communication is always forbidden. That is just one reason I believe some dreams are real. They are real places and real spirits you encounter while in the dream state.

As I walked out of the theatre, I realized I left my purse. At that same time, a woman walked up to a counter with my purse and gave it to another lady. I told them it was mine. They ignored me and opened my purse and looked at my name. I was then told I was dead. I argued. I’m young, I want to do things.

The next thing I know, I was placed in a big bubble and Morgan Freeman was sitting in a chair beside me. He said I needed to rest a while. Inside the bubble was the most comfortable bed and I overlooked a forest and a waterfall. It started raining on the bubble and it sounded like my tin roof when it rained. I thought it was the perfect sleeping place.

It was after I was awake that I remembered Morgan Freeman played God in Bruce Almighty. Yes, God has a sense of humor.  

Later, I was walking around a resort type of place. I enjoyed wonderful conversation with many people. Everyone was talking about their life and what they did. I made the statement that I wanted to write but never did. I was asked, “Why didn’t you?”

Just like my life everyday, numerous excuses popped in my mind. Every single one I came up with, I was shown that excuse is not true. I have the time. I have the talent. I have the tools.

I then woke at 3 AM. For weeks now, I’ve been wanting to get up at 3 AM to write. It works out well because I have no distractions, and I have plenty of energy before work. I have gotten out of the habit when I had to work more time at my job. I admit I am one of the lucky ones that own my own business and if I put in 30 hours a week, it is a busy week. Which proves I have more time than most to write. 

Thank you, God, for that dream. 

What is it that you want to do with your life? Are you making excuses not to do it? Why?

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