Sunday, July 15, 2012

The easiest Chicken and Dumplings Recipe

I fondly remember my Dad talking about his favorite meal. Chicken and Dumplings. It was always a Sunday meal, because it took my mom all day to make it. She made her own dumplings from scratch. I did it a few times after I married and moved out. It got to be one of those dishes I thought of fondly, but didn't care to make.

That is, until I learned of this recipe from my second husband. If you've read any of my other blogs, I don't measure. I'll tell you exactly the way I made it, and you are free to adjust to your desire.

I use leg quarters. Today, I used two. Boil them with a bit of salt. Don't worry about over boiling. It is better if you get them to fall apart. I then take them out of the water and let them cool. After they have cooled, I remove the skin, fat and bones. I then transfer the water I used to boil the chicken into another pot. I usually strain it just to make sure small bones haven't fallen in the water.

Today I added onions. Hubby doesn't add it, but I decided to try it today. I added the onions to the water and put the water, now chicken broth on to boil. Then I take the tortillas and tear them up into bite sized pieces and add it to the water. I used 4 tortillas but hubby often uses 7 or 8. When it boils, it puffs up making the best and easiest dumplings ever. After it cooks a few minutes, I add back the chicken.

After about 10 minutes, it is ready to eat. But, this is one of those dishes that the more you let simmer or set, the better it is. I'll let it simmer as long as it still has a decent amount of water.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Faith!
    This actually looks quite yummy! I may give it a try!

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