Saturday, February 4, 2012

Reading Labels

This isn't something I really want to openly admit, but the bathroom has gotten really bad. The show with the women that go into homes and clean would love it here. It has been the object of discussion several times with my husband. For years we used straight bleach for cleaner. We have a squirt bottle we use, and we just squirt it on the sinks and shower, let it sit a few minutes, and wipe it down. Quick, simple, and effective.

But slowly over the last year the tiles and grout in the shower have started to turn black. Last month my husband poured a half gallon of bleach on the shower, driving me and the dog out of the house in the process, and to our amazement, it didn't help.

A week ago, I spoke to my sister and complained about the shower. She told me about a pumice cleaning stone she recently bought. She said it was wonderful for getting hard water stains out of her toilet. Naturally, I rushed right out and bought one. It took me all of 30 seconds to scrub a quarter of the shower down. The tiles looked wonderful, but the stone couldn't adequately clean the grout. Also, there is a reason only part of the shower got clean. The stone is soft. It crumbled under the pressure of my scrubbing.

This week when shopping, I bought 3 more. I would have bought more, but that is all they had. So, today I decide I am going to spray the shower down with bleach and then finish scrubbing the tiles. I know, you ask, what about the nasty looking grout. I didn't know. At least let me do what I can.

So, I start by pouring the bleach in the squirt bottle. Oh, and you have to empty the bottle every time and run water through it because bleach will mess up the squirt nozzle. So, I am ready to pour the bleach in the bottle, and I read on the bleach label. "Fabric Safe Bleach". What??  If it is safe for clothes will it properly clean like it always has??? NO  Thus explains my suddenly nasty bathroom. It also explains why my whites are no longer white. I had even broke down and bought some Oxyclean for the whites, which does not work like the commercials say.

So, I had to jump in the car and run to town for real bleach.

So, Read the Label!!!!
I am a label reader, or so I thought. I read the labels of every food I put in my body. I never thought to read the label on bleach.

Which gets me thinking more. If it doesn't clean like bleach, is it bleach? It it doesn't whiten like bleach is it bleach? How much can they legally change something and still call it by its old name? I don't have the answers, but I have two gallons of something called bleach that, in my opinion, is not bleach. 


  1. Faith, pleaseeeeee come and tackle my bathroom! Its been neglected for the last couple of weeks and I really should get off my bum and do it! :-)

  2. Actually what we need to do it make colored water and sell it as cleaner. I think that is what everyone else does. It is so hard to actually find something that works.

    I can't get over me using bleach that doesn't work. I couldn't think what to use these two gallons of 'fabric safe bleach' for, so I gave them to my neighbor. And yes, I told them my opinion of the contents.
