When I first started writing, I did it on the sofa in my living room. I could see in my writing I wasn't as good as the writers I read in the novels I got from the library. So, I decided to take a writing class. It took me years before I finally took one. I had every excuse in the book. I worked nights, I had scheduling conflicts, money, etc...
Fast forward a decade, and I finally took a class. Yes, it was an online class. The fact that I had a made up name, and no one knew who I was helped me get past my fears. I could submit my writing and get tons of real feedback. People were free to say anything. I was able to ask questions.
To date I have taken over 50 classes online. No, not all were writing classes, but once you take one, you get a feel for how easy it is to learn what you want to learn at your leisure.
So, you may ask, 'Did it help your writing?' My answer is a definite yes. I now know and understand POV, conflict, motivation, stimulus and response, etc... You may also ask, 'Did it help you get published?' Well, I can't answer that because I am still unpublished. It isn't that I don't have the knowledge, but my lack of pushing myself. If I look hard enough, I'm sure I can find a class on that too.
I admit, I may have a problem now with being addicted to online classes. I love learning. I don't care about a certificate, I enjoy having the knowledge of something I didn't before.
The point of this blog, is to let you know if you need to learn something, it is at the tip of your fingertips. Just reach out and google. I promise, you will find the knowledge and a teacher willing to teach you. And yes, I have even found numerous classes and workshops that are FREE.
Check them out and enjoy learning.
Keep the faith.
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