Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Write or Die

Earlier today I read a comment from Amalie (yes, my blogging friend, I called you out). She commented that she used . So, naturally I had to check it out. If it has to do with writing, I got to check it out. It is a website for writers that adds that proverbial kick in the butt.

Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, we've all read the way to get a draft done is KOBBIC. That is Keys on board, butt in chair. The concept being, once it is written, it doesn't matter if it is good or not, it is fixable. You can't fix something that isn't written yet.

I haven't gotten to the point that I can just sit and write constant. I don't want to write for an hour and not keep what is written. That is a waste of time. On the other hand, if I sit for an hour and write maybe 100 words, I will keep, maybe, 70 of those words. Because I take me time, I think about the scene and I nit pick every word to make sure it is the right one. But if I sit and write and write and ramble on, I can get maybe 1000 words in an hour. How many would I keep? What if it is 500? 400? 300?

Even if I throw out 90%, that is still more than if I pick my way through. So, this is something I should try, right?

I ran the idea by my CP. She said the same thing I was thinking. No, way am I gonna do that. The super duper kamikaze will delete my words. I'm not going that route. I agreed whole heartedly. This stuff is not for me.

So, I jumped right back over to the website and paid that $10. I pulled it up and guess what. (uh, no I won't put it on kamikaze) but I put it on normal. I like it. I stopped to think and guess what? The screen turned red. I think oh no. So, I start rambling on. I like it. It won't be writing to keep. But it will help me see the scene, get quick character reactions and just scene ideas. I can come back later and delete my 90%.

Have fun writing.

Balance- A Boot Camp Update

Hi Everyone,
As many of you know, I've been part of Savvy Authors April Boot Camp. I received a comment from an awesome blogger wanting to know an update. Well, here it is.

My month has been busy. I've spent tons of time writing, and thinking of writing, and yes, pretending to be writing. In other words, sitting at the computer yelling at myself to write with nothing magically showing up on the screen.

My goal for Boot Camp was to get me to start with X WIP and write all the way through to the end. It didn't work. I got so far, and I got stuck. I didn't stick with the same WIP because, it is a boot camp and I have to keep going or I will mess up our numbers. So, to keep going, I switch to another WIP. This is the one I started for NV last year and I didn't have enough conflict. I added more conflict and began rewriting. I'm not complaining, I'm glad I could continue, but I didn't accomplish what I set out to accomplish. 

What has Boot Camp done for me? It has shown me how much time I waste in a day. I found much more time to dedicate to writing. At the same time, I spend many hours at the computer wanting to write that isn't productive.

So, I've been pondering Balance. How do I find the perfect amount of time to dedicate to my writing? I feel good having dedicated myself to writing. On the flip side, I have neglected other things. I look at my desk and see I haven't cleaned it since, you guessed it, March. I now have to wear slippers in the house. I haven't swept nor vacuumed the floor. I don't see hubby picking up a broom anytime soon.

It couldn't be as simple as when I have something to write--write. And when I'm not being productive, do something else. Is it?

Keep the Faith

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Book Review -Chasing Earth and Flame by Adonis Devereux

Late last night, I finished reading Chasing Earth and Flame by Adonis Devereux. I was quite irritated because I don't normally stay up that late. I go to bed early so I can get up super early. But this was one of those books I didn't want to put down.

One subject I thought about was there were 'pleasure slaves' in the book. That conjures in my mind someone that may be forced to do something they don't want to do. But none of the slaves acted like they were forced to do anything they didn't want to do. (And this IS a fantasy novel, so I didn't dwell on it too long)

I found some scenes were predictable, but for the most part there were twists and turns that kept my attention. It is definitely a book I would recommend. It is a keeper for me and I will even check out other books from this author.

I'm hoping the author will write a follow up to this novel with Arixus's story. (hint, hint)